UE signs Memorandum of Understanding with Georgian National University

On Tuesday 16 April, the University of Europe for Applied Sciences signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Georgian National University in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The MoU was ceremoniously signed by Professor Dr Gia Kavtelishvili, Rector and Founder of Georgian National University, and Professor Dr H.C. Sascha J. Flemnitz, Executive Chairman of UE.
The MoU encompasses a wide range of initiatives aimed at expanding cooperation between the two institutions and opening new horizons for students. One of the main objectives of the agreement is to promote the cross-border exchange of students and provide them with the opportunity to participate in events at both universities.
A particular focus is placed on the development of joint programmes covering various fields, including business, information technology/artificial intelligence and medicine. Efforts are directed towards meeting the needs of doctors and other medical professionals, as well as establishing PhD programmes.
Professor Dr H.C. Sascha J. Flemnitz said: “I am extremely pleased to welcome this collaboration, as it is based on years of friendship and continuous cooperation. Now, we can expand this relationship on an institutional level.
“Together, we have the opportunity to unlock potential and develop and implement innovative educational offerings. This will enable us to make a sustainable contribution to the development of future professionals and leaders who are capable of thinking beyond national borders and integrating the diversity of cultural nuances into their professional and personal lives.”